St. Stephen Lutheran Church
St. Stephen Lutheran Church

BONES EAST CONCERT                        2PM on MAY 5, 2024                             Bones East is a 25-30 member trombone ensemble that includes a range of musicians, mostly semiprofessionals, retirees, and students who volunteer their time and talent. This family friendly concert is free and open to the public.  Donations are encouraged and will benefit Loaves and Fishes ELCA World Hunger.  For more information go to

Reformation Sunday

Final Sunday in October.

On this day we recall the faithful, who have lead us to many reforms in the name of Christ, while at the same time, we celebrate a church that is always changing and always reforming in Jesus name for the good of the world.

All Saints Sunday

First Sunday in November.

On this day we recall all the saints who've gone before us, remembering their impact in our lives.  Who taught you to pray?  Who jumped into mud puddles with you?  Who accepted and loved you no matter what?  We honor the legacy of our ancestors and loved ones, lighting candles in rememberance.

Life at St. Stephen

a few images of events and members from our congregation.

Support the ministry of God

at St. Stephen with a donation. 

Set up a one-time gift or a reoccuring gift /offering.

Click the link above, to donate online through our Tithe-ly page.  Please consider checking the box to cover the costs of the transaction.  THANKS! 

(315) 479-9912

873 Dewitt St.

Syracuse, NY 13203



Sunday Worship 9:30AM

in person or on line: Facebook Live

A link to the worship video is available about 11AM each Sunday morning.



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© St Stephen Lutheran Church